To the Vets of Terminal 4 Pets,
We at Hamat Gader are truly thankful for your help in getting our new residents safely through all the paper work and health checks.
We would be grateful if you could relate our thanks also to the previous owners of our crocs (The Vienna Zoo).
The boys are doing fine and settling in ok still a little embarrassed that they are obviously paler than the rest and we hope their presence will produce a new blood line in the next matting year.
Yours truly,
David Golan
Hamat Gader
Dear Carolina,
We arrived well. Shai was very happy to see us after such a long time of separation.
We did get to see her for about 2 mins between flights during the change over in Atlanta. Parah was silent the whole trip. I was quite shocked. The passengers on the plane didn't even know there was a cat until we were debarking and they saw him then. Your man at the airport was fabulous and we think our smooth run through all boarding can be attributed to him and his presence.
Thank you for all you do. We strongly endorse the work you do. The regional vet in Jerusalem thinks your services are not needed. This is not our experience, as we would not have had the travel done in any other way. We endorse your services 100%.
Bless all of you for your concern for our four legged family members and the love and support you have shown to us.
Richard & Lisa Bristol

Dear Carolina,
We are doing well and we wish the same for you too.
Well, Boubou is doing fine and happy. He knows that he is with his family now. He is already fighting with Isabelle 4 years (Boubou stealing her cake), typical Boubou!
I am pretty sure he misses you too! But you never know you may meet again.
I appreciate everything you have done to make his journey home a success.
Many thanks.
Best regards,
Nicole and Boubou
Thanks Carolina.
We're hearing that Jack arrived in great shape, thanks to you and everyone.
All the best to you. We'll certainly be back in Israel again soon.
Thanks again,
Kevin Monahan
Dear Carolina,
Cats were quite relaxed as opposed to the collie. He was quite excited about running again and almost didn't recognize us :-).
All's well now and the pets are quite settled in. Thanks again for the effort; the pets were in excellent condition. Pets are happy. Thanks again for the customs and delivery. You are definitely a recommended service on my list.
Much appreciated!
Rob Forsyth
South Africa
